01 Mar, 2020 First day/last day of month given a YYYY-MM-DD date function first_day_of_month($yyyy_mm_dd = '2020-01-01', $strtotime = FALSE) { $first_day…
30 Apr, 2018 Find and delete fake .ico files The war against the attempts to hack the sites I host continues. In the last period I…
25 Sep, 2016 True == 1 e False == 0 ? Sì, ci son rimasto male. Per quanto documentata, ho scoperto che in PHP, TRUE vale 1 e …
18 Aug, 2016 Dragonfly framework: timeout Installando il framework Dragonfly mi sono accorto che funzionava tutto perfettamente a…
10 Jan, 2016 Codeigniter PHP script timeout Yesterday I faced a weird problem. I wanted to execute a (long) PHP shell script, but…